4 June 2010

love, life, fashion.

i never really write on my blog that much so tonight i thought i would write abit on here. So recently my life has been pretty good apart from the whole 'love' thing, theres one person that i really like and that person likes me back but they wont open up and let me get to know them properly. bummer i know. School this week actually wasn't all that bad apart from tests and stuff, i have a maths module coming up on the 21st of june and im not sure about it, Pie charts and me dont mix. oh, im also trying to organise work experience, a program we have to do in school. You havto go and work in a place for 3days and basically get work experience. i've been trying to get into a clothes shop called DV8 but im not sure if im going or not. but i will keep you guys posted.

p.s im not sure if anyone actually reads my blog but if you do give me a shoutout on twitter, bebo, your personal blogs etc. i love all my fashion lovers.

follow me on twitter: www.twitter.com/itsjamielee


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