29 November 2009

cambell kenneford

Hosted by RockYouPhotos.comHosted by RockYouPhotos.com

me: what are your fashion must haves this season?
cambell: leather jacket, blazer, acid wash top, high tops shoes.

me: do you have any tips on how to wear blazers?
cambell: well, it'll differ between peoples heights and sizes, i wear mine loose, and always undone, i'm tall and thin.

me: what make-up do you reccomend?
cambell: mac is the way forward.

me: what is your view on size zero?
cambell: i think that it doesn't matter what size you are, if you work with what you have and have confidence with your figure and yourself you will pull anything off, but i hate to say this, but if you want to be a high fashion model, you need to be skinny!

me: whats your favourite designer this season and why?
cambell: east fashion and vivienne westwood, east fashion, because it is unique, and inspires me so much, and vivienne westwood because her work is always perfection, so consistant.

me: whats your opinion on male bloggers?
cambell: free speech, and keep on doing what you do best, it doesn't matter was race, religion, gender age etc you are.

me: do you think male bloggers understand fashion jsut as much as female bloggers?
cambell: definately.

me: any other style tips for our readers?
cambell: wear what you want, and make your style, you. look for inspiration all the time, if you wear something last seasons fashion and wear it with confidence it wont look like last seasons, it will look like yours.

Thank you Cambell for letting me interview you.

Love & peace,

jamielee xx


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