10 January 2011


Hosted by RockYouPhotos.comHosted by RockYouPhotos.comHosted by RockYouPhotos.comHosted by RockYouPhotos.comHosted by RockYouPhotos.com

Hello lovelies,
I'm finally getting round to putting on my pictures of how i spent my New Years Eve, well from the photos you can clearly tell that i had a good time that night. I attented my best friend Hanas birthday house party/ NEW YEARS PARTY! I had an amazing time and met loads of new friends, and thank you to some very special people who kept me right on the night when i was uable to look after myself (alcohol is bad). The reason i was so drunk was probably because i was mixing my drinks (smirnoff ice, fat frog, vodka, SHOTS) I haven't touched a sip off alcohol since.

ps.. in no way am i encouraging you to use alcohol.

7 January 2011


Hosted by RockYouPhotos.comHosted by RockYouPhotos.comHosted by RockYouPhotos.com

hello beautiful readers,
so after all the christmas hustle and bustle im back! I just wanted to share with everyone these amazing shots of AbbeyLee Kershaw for Tomford eyewear 2011. I hope to get back to regular blogging and updating at least once a week, although im currently do mock examinations for GCSE. I'm really busy, so much stress.

ps.. HAPPY belated NEW YEAR!

12 December 2010

its ok to be a freak

Hosted by RockYouPhotos.com
Hosted by RockYouPhotos.com
Hosted by RockYouPhotos.com

Sorry for the random post today guys, its late here in the U.K so i thought i would squeeze in a blog post before i go to bed. I'm sorry that i havent been posting much lately, i always get distracted by silly programs on the TV or silly websites. But theres much more to come...

watch this space!

Jamielee x